Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Last weekend was a whirlwind.
It consisted of:
3 days
30+ hours in the car
1 hour of the worlds shortest college graduation...all other schools should take note
6 short hours with my brother and sister-in-law
18 mushrooms picked out of an AMAZING pasta dish
1 awesome baby shower to go...complete with an
diaper cake
4 laps around a gas station in Middle-of-Nowhere, USA
2 people that thought Andy looked like someone they knew
12 bathroom stops
2 games of laser tag
1 horrific batch of carsickness
1/2 a book on tape
1 intriguing murder mystery from 1958

My sister-in-law graduated from BYU-Idaho and we made a quick trip up to Rexburg with my parents. We also decided to take a baby shower with us since Karinda is due next month....and as much fun as it was to drive 60000 (is that an exaggeration Mom?) hours....we probably wouldn't be able to make it to any other shower she was having. Plus, her family was down for graduation so it was perfect. My mom's friend had a great idea for people from Flag to drop off gifts for us to take up. People were SO generous. It was greatly appreciated.

My attempt at domesticity. I was actually very proud of my creations.
The amazing diaper cake made by my mom
When people would drop off gifts my mom had this cute table
set up with treats to give as a thank you
Andy's opinion on the constant gushing of all things 'baby'
Baby shower to go
Baby Shower
Idaho Falls


Rulon and Toni said...

Quite a weekend full of all sorts of fun? Love the domestic stuff.

paul and lacy ebert said...

did you make the pcifier holder you gave me? It is VERY cute!